We are following the British Early Foundation Stage Framework to design its curriculum for early year learners. The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is a curriculum framework that sets the standards for the learning, development, and care of children from birth to five years old. It provides a comprehensive approach to early childhood education.

The EYFS framework consists of four guiding principles, which shape the educational experiences for young children:

Unique Child: Recognizing that every child is a unique individual with their own interests, strengths, and abilities. The framework emphasizes the importance of understanding and supporting each child’s development and learning journey.

Positive Relationships: Fostering positive relationships between children and their caregivers, as well as among children themselves. Building strong bonds and creating a nurturing environment is seen as crucial to promoting children’s well-being and learning.

Enabling Environments: Creating stimulating and enabling environments that support children’s exploration, creativity, and critical thinking. These environments are designed to engage children through a wide range of resources and activities both indoors and outdoors.

Learning and Development: Focusing on the holistic development of children across seven key areas of learning, known as the “Prime” and “Specific” areas. The Prime areas include Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Communication and Language, and Physical Development. The Specific areas encompass Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World, and Expressive Arts and Design.

The EYFS curriculum places a strong emphasis on play-based learning, as play is considered a vital medium for young children to explore, make connections, and develop essential skills. The framework encourages practitioners to observe and assess children’s progress, plan activities based on their interests, and support their learning through a balance of child-initiated and adult-guided experiences.

Regular assessments and progress tracking are also an integral part of the EYFS. Practitioners use a combination of observation, informal assessments, and formal assessments, such as the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile, to monitor children’s development and provide tailored support.

Overall, the EYFS framework aims to provide a solid foundation for children’s future learning and development, preparing them for a smooth transition to primary school and beyond.


  • Pre-Reading and Language Development: These classes focus on developing basic language skills, including letter recognition, phonics, vocabulary building, and early reading comprehension.
  • Math Readiness: These classes introduce foundational math concepts such as counting, number recognition, basic arithmetic, shapes, and patterns.
  • Science and Nature Exploration: These classes encourage curiosity and exploration of the natural world through hands-on activities, experiments, and observation of plants, animals, and the environment.
  • Art and Creativity: These classes provide opportunities for children to engage in artistic expression through painting, drawing, sculpting, and other creative activities that enhance fine motor skills and imagination.
  • Music and Movement: These classes incorporate music, songs, and movement activities to develop rhythm, coordination, and a sense of expression.
  • Social and Emotional Development: These classes focus on developing social skills, cooperation, empathy, and emotional regulation through group activities, role-playing, and discussions about feelings and relationships.
  • Gross Motor Skills: These classes promote physical development through active play, games, and exercises that enhance coordination, balance, and overall body strength.
  • Cultural Awareness: These classes expose children to different cultures, traditions, and celebrations through stories, music, art, and hands-on experiences, fostering an appreciation for diversity.
  • Outdoor Exploration: These classes provide opportunities for children to explore the natural world, engage in physical activities, and learn about nature, plants, and animals.